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In some neighborhoods, people like visitors coming over and talking to them.
Their neighbors stop by to spend some time with them, and then they leave.
In other neighborhoods, people are more insular. They don't like people
coming over to talk to them, and the neighbors usually keep to themselves.
The point I am trying to make is that in some places, showing up to
someone's door isn't seen as a slight against humanity as it is in other
places. In my experience, where I come from, every one locks their doors
whenever the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons patrol the neighbor to talk
about their faith to people.

But I know some Baha'is who declared in the 1970's, and said they used to go
door-to-door all the time in the southern states of the U.S., and that
resulted in many declarations into the Baha'i Faith. Some times, people in
the houses would take the initiative to talk to *them*, while they were
walking down the street and asked *them* to come to *their* house. Sometimes
what is inappropriate at one time, becomes appropriate at another.

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