"...Baha'is obey the laws, Federal or state, unless submission to these laws
amounts to a denial of their Faith.  We live the Baha'i life, fully and
continuously, unless prevented by the authorities.  This implies, if it does
not categorically state, that a Baha'i is not required to make a judgment as
to the precedence of Federal or state law - this is for the courts to
          (From a letter of the Universal House of Justice to the National
          Spiritual Assembly of the United States, March 30, 1965:  National
          Baha'i Review, No. 32, August, 1970, p. 1)
Dear David,
My reading of this focuses more on the "implication" than the submission to law...  While we are NOT to judge the wisdom of a civil law - it would be within our perogative to question the precedence of such law within the civil court system.  And, you would have the option, also, of moving to another state or country which would allow you to remain chaste.
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