<> It's interesting that this only mentions sexual intercourse
between two people who are unmarried and adultery, as this
leaves out a punishment for an unmarried individual who has
relations with a married individual.<>

Dear David,

My understanding of this is the two people in question (who
have committed adultery) are not married to one another.  This
in no way implies that one or the other or BOTH are not
"married" individuals to a third and/or fourth party.

Here are a few more quotes - food for your ravenous brain

"The Arabic word "zina", here translated as "adultery",
signifies both fornication and adultery. It applies not only
to sexual relations between a married person and someone who
is not his or her spouse, but also to extramarital sexual
intercourse in general. One form of "zina" is rape. The only
penalty prescribed by Bahá'u'lláh is for those who commit
fornication (see note 77); penalties for other kinds of sexual
offence are left to the Universal House of Justice to
determine."  (Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 181)

77. God hath imposed a fine on every adulterer and adulteress,
to be paid to the House of Justice # 49

Although the term translated here as adultery refers, in its
broadest sense, to unlawful sexual intercourse between either
married or unmarried individuals (see note 36 for a definition
of the term), 'Abdu'l-Bahá has specified that the punishment
here prescribed is for sexual intercourse between persons who
are unmarried. He indicates that it remains for the Universal
House of Justice to determine the penalty for adultery
committed by a married individual. (See also Q and A 49.)

In one of His Tablets, 'Abdu'l-Bahá refers to some of the
spiritual and social implications of the violation of the laws
of morality and, concerning the penalty here described, He
indicates that the aim of this law is to make clear to all
that such an action is shameful in the eyes of God and that,
in the event that the offence can be established and the fine
imposed, the principal purpose is the exposure of the
offenders -- that they are shamed and disgraced in the eyes of
society. He affirms that such exposure is in itself the
greatest punishment. The House of Justice referred to in this
verse is presumably the LocalHouse of Justice, currently known
as the Local Spiritual Assembly.   (Baha'u'llah, The
Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 200)

I also find it interesting from the quote you noted
initially - Baha'u'llah doesn't address the issue of
"recommencing" their year of patience after intercourse has
taken place between the spouses.  However, it is answered
elsewhere in the Aqdas - see following:

11. QUESTION: If intercourse take place between a couple
during their year of patience, and they become estranged again
thereafter, must they recommence their year of patience, or
may the days preceding the intercourse be included in the
reckoning of the year? And once divorce hath taken place, is
it necessary that a further period of waiting be observed?

ANSWER: Should affection be renewed between the couple during
their year of patience, the marriage tie is valid, and what is
commanded in the Book of God must be observed; but once the
year of patience hath been completed and that which is decreed
by God taketh place, a further period of waiting is not
required. Sexual intercourse between husband and wife is
forbidden during their year of patience, and whoso committeth
this act must seek God's forgiveness, and, as a punishment,
render to the House of Justice a fine of nineteen mithqáls of
(Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 110)

40. QUESTION: If during the year of patience the fragrance of
affection be renewed, only to be succeeded by antipathy, and
the couple waver between affection and aversion throughout the
year, and the year endeth in antipathy, can divorce take place
or not?
ANSWER: In each case at any time antipathy occurreth, the year
of patience beginneth on that day, and the year must run its
full course.  (Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 119)

So, one might say there is a "double penalty"  -payment- (made
to the Local Spiritual Assembly with whom they had the
"contractural" Year of Patience)  and the year of patience
must begin
-again-   My advice:  Choose your wife very carefully.

Lovingly,  Sandra

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