Mason: Patron! Patron! I am so happy!!

[Smothers the Patron in kisses in the true Gallic fashion which would leave
a Scandinavian aghast]

Master Mason: Control yourself, Jacques. Whatever has gotten into you?

Mason: A Royal Commission at last! I know only too well how many years
you've been waiting for this!

[Smothers Patron in more kisses]

Master Mason: *What* Royal Commission? Whatever are you talking about?

Mason: Why, the one the apprentice just gave me the specifications for! The
coat of arms with "L'Etat, C'est Moi" emblazoned underneath! Everyone
*knows* that this is a favourite motto of the King!!!

Master Mason: Don't get too excited, Jacques. Duc Senior has adopted it as
his family motto also...

Mason: Duc Senior!!! Why, even better!!!!

[Smothers Patron in more kisses]

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