[From the CPS file relating to the 'Fromage Conspiracy' - messages secretly
intercepted and copied before delivery]


Vodcheese to Cheddar: Vasterbotten will soon be in Paris on a secret state
visit to Lou Pevre. We will receive further orders then.


Cheddar to Vodcheese: Don't forget to ask Vasterbotten what result he wants
in the Maconnais trial. Pas de Escalette, Bouton d'Oc, Pave du Berry and
Camenbert have agreed to testify for the prosecution.


Cheddar to Vodcheese: Pas de Escalette and Pave du Berry have been killed
the front, but Bouton d'Oc and Camenbert have submitted evidence to Saint
Felicien. Any word from Vasterbotten yet? Wenslydale needs to be informed.


Vodcheese to Cheddar: I believe Bouton d'Oc wants Camenbert installed at
Justice? Is this wise, considering Bouton d'Oc's reputation?


Cheddar to Vodcheese: I agree that Camenbert would be a poor choice at
present. I will appoint Livarot instead. Livarot is easily overawed and
should give us little trouble.


Vodcheese to Cheddar: Vasterbotten wants you to hand down a sentence of
death on Maconnais. If Lou Pevre commutes his sentence I am to kill
Maconnais in a duel. Vasterbotten considers Maconnais to be the biggest
single obstacle to our causing enough confusion in the lands of Fromage for
Vasterbotten to attempt a military take-over of the northern lands of Käse.

I am ordered to replace Pont l'Eveque as Minister of War. Vasterbotten
requests that you aid all you can in this so that control of both the
military and the government is secure. Cantal is taking the action we
desire. Being in control of Cantal's guards is most useful.


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