Hi all,

I am working on porting barebox on arm64 architecture.

So I have some questions about it:

- Is there any interest for barebox to support this architecture ?

- My port is running at EL1 for the moment, does the bootloader have
to run at EL3 ? If yes, do you have hint to achieve this ?
      I think UEFI is running at EL3, but I am confused about that,
what is the difference between UEFI and barebox ? Are they both
booloader ? (I guess it is a "noob" question :/)

- I have some issues with malloc, when I use tlsf all malloc failed,
but not with dlmalloc implementation, do you have an idea about this ?

At the moment the current limitations of my port are :
     - MMU not implemented
     - barebox running at EL1
     - barebox env not working
     - only test on qemu

If you want to test it:

I can also send a patch with [RFC] tag is needed.

If you have any suggestions or questions, tell me.

Thank you,

Raphaël Poggi

barebox mailing list

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