I'm having a problem where Bareos consumes all 150 of my Postgres connections and then backup jobs start to fail with the error:

06-Aug 21:00 bareos JobId 0: Fatal error: sql_pooling.c:83 Could not open database "bareos": ERR=postgresql.c:246 Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server. Database=bareos User=bareos Possible causes: SQL server not running; password incorrect; max_connections exceeded.

I can keep bumping max_connections in Postgres, but there seems to be a problem here. I'm using Bareos 16.2.4 on FreeBSD 10.2 with Postgres 9.5.2.

At a minute before the backups start there are two connections to Postgres:

usename | pid | state | query
 bareos  |  6542 | idle   | SET client_encoding TO 'SQL_ASCII'
bareos | 43277 | active | SELECT usename, pid, state, query FROM pg_stat_activity

But a minute after backups start there are 96 connections to Postgres, I've attached the status to the email, which is a result of:

psql --pset=pager=off --user=bareos --dbname=bareos --command="SELECT usename, pid, state, query FROM pg_stat_activity"

lsof -i :postgresql

ps -axlwwH -U bareos

As you can see there are 9 UPDATE Media statements running, all via different connections each from a different Bareos thread; and 74 SELECT count(*) from Media statements also each from different threads; and then a handful of other statements. Each connection is from the Bareos director process, but from what seems to be different threads.

It almost seems that each scheduled spawns a thread for when that job is scheduled to run (21:00 in my case) and then as the backups finish the threads go away, along with the Postgres connection. Here are the number of Postgres connections over time:

2017-08-08/21:00:00:(2 rows)
2017-08-08/21:01:00:(96 rows)
2017-08-08/21:02:00:(92 rows)
2017-08-08/21:03:00:(94 rows)
2017-08-08/21:05:00:(93 rows)
2017-08-08/21:06:00:(91 rows)
2017-08-08/21:07:00:(89 rows)
2017-08-08/21:08:00:(87 rows)
2017-08-08/21:09:00:(84 rows)
2017-08-08/21:10:00:(78 rows)
2017-08-08/21:11:00:(77 rows)
2017-08-08/21:12:00:(75 rows)
2017-08-08/21:13:00:(72 rows)
2017-08-08/21:14:00:(71 rows)
2017-08-08/21:15:00:(64 rows)
2017-08-08/21:16:00:(63 rows)
2017-08-08/21:17:00:(60 rows)
2017-08-08/21:18:00:(58 rows)
2017-08-08/21:19:00:(56 rows)
2017-08-08/21:20:00:(53 rows)
2017-08-08/21:21:00:(51 rows)
2017-08-08/21:23:00:(48 rows)
2017-08-08/21:24:00:(46 rows)
2017-08-08/21:25:00:(44 rows)
2017-08-08/21:26:00:(43 rows)
2017-08-08/21:27:00:(42 rows)
2017-08-08/21:28:00:(41 rows)
2017-08-08/21:31:00:(40 rows)
2017-08-08/21:32:00:(34 rows)
2017-08-08/21:33:00:(28 rows)
2017-08-08/21:34:00:(24 rows)
2017-08-08/21:35:00:(21 rows)
2017-08-08/21:36:00:(19 rows)
2017-08-08/21:37:00:(13 rows)
2017-08-08/21:44:00:(11 rows)
2017-08-08/21:51:00:(9 rows)
2017-08-08/21:53:00:(7 rows)
2017-08-08/21:56:00:(6 rows)
2017-08-08/22:47:00:(5 rows)
2017-08-09/02:13:00:(4 rows)
2017-08-09/02:16:00:(3 rows)

Backup completes at 02:15

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 usename |  pid  | state  |                                                     
 bareos  |  6542 | idle   | SET client_encoding TO 'SQL_ASCII'
 bareos  | 43366 | idle   | UPDATE Media SET 
 WHERE VolumeName='incr-0496'
 bareos  | 43368 | idle   | UPDATE Media SET 
 WHERE VolumeName='incr-0498'
 bareos  | 43369 | idle   | UPDATE Media SET 
 WHERE VolumeName='incremental-0372'
 bareos  | 43370 | idle   | UPDATE Media SET 
 WHERE VolumeName='incremental-0300'
 bareos  | 43371 | idle   | UPDATE Media SET 
 WHERE VolumeName='incremental-0318'
 bareos  | 43513 | active | FETCH 100 FROM _bac_cursor
 bareos  | 43373 | idle   | UPDATE Media SET 
 WHERE VolumeName='incremental-0114'
 bareos  | 43374 | idle   | UPDATE Media SET 
 WHERE VolumeName='incremental-0142'
 bareos  | 43375 | idle   | UPDATE Media SET 
 WHERE VolumeName='incremental-0376'
 bareos  | 43376 | idle   | UPDATE Media SET 
 WHERE VolumeName='incremental-0122'
 bareos  | 43377 | idle   | SELECT sum(JobFiles) FROM Job WHERE JobId IN 
 bareos  | 43378 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43379 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43380 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43381 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43382 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43383 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43384 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43385 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43386 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43387 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43388 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43389 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43390 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43391 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43392 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43393 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43394 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=6
 bareos  | 43395 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43396 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43397 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43398 | idle   | COMMIT
 bareos  | 43399 | idle   | COMMIT
 bareos  | 43400 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43401 | idle   | COMMIT
 bareos  | 43521 | active | SELECT usename, pid, state, query FROM 
 bareos  | 43403 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43404 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43405 | idle   | COMMIT
 bareos  | 43406 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43407 | idle   | COMMIT
 bareos  | 43408 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43409 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43410 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43411 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43412 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43413 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43414 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43415 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43416 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43417 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43418 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43419 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43420 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43421 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43422 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43423 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43424 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43425 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43431 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43427 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43432 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43433 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43434 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43435 | idle   | COMMIT
 bareos  | 43436 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43437 | idle   | COMMIT
 bareos  | 43438 | idle   | COMMIT
 bareos  | 43439 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43440 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43441 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43442 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43443 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43444 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43445 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43446 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43447 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43448 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43449 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43451 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43458 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43459 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43457 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43460 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43461 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43462 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43463 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43464 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43465 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43466 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43467 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=2
 bareos  | 43468 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43469 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=3
 bareos  | 43470 | idle   | SELECT currval('Job_Jobid_seq')
 bareos  | 43471 | idle   | SELECT count(*) from Media WHERE PoolId=1
(96 rows)

lsof: WARNING: compiled for FreeBSD release 10.2-RELEASE-p17; this is 
bareos-di  6526 bareos    4u  IPv4 0xfffff8136ba9f810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:48570->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80452fbe810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49772->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos    7u  IPv4 0xfffff816dd950810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49773->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos    8u  IPv4 0xfffff8041edf7408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49774->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   11u  IPv4 0xfffff808790a3810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49775->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   13u  IPv4 0xfffff80233158000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49777->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   21u  IPv4 0xfffff8136ba9f000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49780->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   23u  IPv4 0xfffff808790a3000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49782->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   31u  IPv4 0xfffff8041edf7000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49786->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   34u  IPv4 0xfffff80233919810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49787->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   38u  IPv4 0xfffff807bc210000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49791->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   39u  IPv4 0xfffff81f70191000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49792->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   41u  IPv4 0xfffff80f88cc0810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49794->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   43u  IPv4 0xfffff810613cc408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49796->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   44u  IPv4 0xfffff81d75c9d000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49797->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   45u  IPv4 0xfffff80fee893000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49897->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   46u  IPv4 0xfffff8195dcbf408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49799->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   47u  IPv4 0xfffff808790a3408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49800->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   48u  IPv4 0xfffff80187ea3408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49801->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   49u  IPv4 0xfffff80187964408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49802->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   50u  IPv4 0xfffff81cfb344408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49803->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   51u  IPv4 0xfffff807bc210408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49804->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   52u  IPv4 0xfffff8151af5c000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49805->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   53u  IPv4 0xfffff81cd22a0000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49806->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   54u  IPv4 0xfffff80db2874408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49807->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   55u  IPv4 0xfffff80585c25000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49808->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   56u  IPv4 0xfffff81dd3dba408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49809->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   57u  IPv4 0xfffff818fd7cb810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49810->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   58u  IPv4 0xfffff80187a62000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49812->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   59u  IPv4 0xfffff807bc210810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49814->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   60u  IPv4 0xfffff80cd617e408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49815->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   61u  IPv4 0xfffff81d306a9810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49816->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   62u  IPv4 0xfffff81ae2fce000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49817->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   63u  IPv4 0xfffff81d90290000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49818->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   64u  IPv4 0xfffff8018793e408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49819->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   65u  IPv4 0xfffff8018793e000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49820->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   67u  IPv4 0xfffff80d5b2d0810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49822->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   68u  IPv4 0xfffff80c7a30d810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49823->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   69u  IPv4 0xfffff8199b919000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49824->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   70u  IPv4 0xfffff81c47bfb810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49825->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   71u  IPv4 0xfffff80452fbe408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49826->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   72u  IPv4 0xfffff80c7a30e408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49827->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   73u  IPv4 0xfffff817c47c1810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49828->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   74u  IPv4 0xfffff80c7a30c810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49829->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   75u  IPv4 0xfffff80c7a30e000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49830->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   76u  IPv4 0xfffff81d306a9408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49831->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   77u  IPv4 0xfffff80c7a30d000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49832->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   78u  IPv4 0xfffff80187e40408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49833->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   79u  IPv4 0xfffff81b70c01810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49834->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   80u  IPv4 0xfffff81b70c01408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49835->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   81u  IPv4 0xfffff80233f29000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49836->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   82u  IPv4 0xfffff80187f48810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49837->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   83u  IPv4 0xfffff8058d39d408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49838->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   84u  IPv4 0xfffff8064e5fe000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49839->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   85u  IPv4 0xfffff80ca071b000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49840->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   86u  IPv4 0xfffff814d7f52408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49841->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   87u  IPv4 0xfffff81391116810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49842->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos   88u  IPv4 0xfffff81d306a9000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49843->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  101u  IPv4 0xfffff80452fbe000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49850->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  102u  IPv4 0xfffff81909535408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49851->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  103u  IPv4 0xfffff81cae52d408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49852->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  104u  IPv4 0xfffff81909535000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49853->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  105u  IPv4 0xfffff80d5314a810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49854->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  106u  IPv4 0xfffff816810f3000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49855->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  107u  IPv4 0xfffff808f1976408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49856->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  108u  IPv4 0xfffff807ef372408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49857->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  109u  IPv4 0xfffff81502ef9810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49858->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  110u  IPv4 0xfffff8199b919408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49859->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  111u  IPv4 0xfffff807ef373000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49860->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  112u  IPv4 0xfffff80d5314a408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49861->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  113u  IPv4 0xfffff80c7a30d408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49862->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  114u  IPv4 0xfffff8101c363408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49863->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  117u  IPv4 0xfffff80ce6fd3810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49864->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  119u  IPv4 0xfffff813ccf34408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49866->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  120u  IPv4 0xfffff80187e2e408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49867->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  121u  IPv4 0xfffff80ce6fd3408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49868->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  122u  IPv4 0xfffff802333cd810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49869->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  123u  IPv4 0xfffff807ef372000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49870->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  124u  IPv4 0xfffff81f4fa16408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49871->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  125u  IPv4 0xfffff81f4fa16000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49872->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  126u  IPv4 0xfffff815d976f000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49873->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  127u  IPv4 0xfffff813f2e63408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49874->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  128u  IPv4 0xfffff80f6d390810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49875->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  129u  IPv4 0xfffff813ccf34000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49876->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  130u  IPv4 0xfffff8022f063408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49877->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  131u  IPv4 0xfffff81f4288d000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49878->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  132u  IPv4 0xfffff81952585810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49879->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  133u  IPv4 0xfffff8023391b408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49880->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  134u  IPv4 0xfffff80d0e110810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49881->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  135u  IPv4 0xfffff8046478a408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49882->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  136u  IPv4 0xfffff8046478a000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49883->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  139u  IPv4 0xfffff818b1adc810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49884->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  140u  IPv4 0xfffff80d0e110408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49885->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  141u  IPv4 0xfffff80a6cda5810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49886->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
bareos-di  6526 bareos  142u  IPv4 0xfffff818b1adc408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:49887->localhost:postgresql (ESTABLISHED)
postgres   6542  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81b43ac6408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:48570 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43366  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80187e2e000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49772 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43368  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80d5b2d0408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49773 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43369  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80e3ac91000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49774 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43370  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81dd3dba810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49775 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43371  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80c7a30c000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49777 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43373  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81ae2fce408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49780 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43374  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80cd617e000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49782 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43375  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80233919000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49786 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43376  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff807ef373408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49787 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43377  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80187f48408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49791 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43378  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81f4fa16810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49792 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43379  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80c63cc7000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49794 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43380  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80187964810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49796 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43381  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80c63cc7408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49797 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43382  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff803c459f408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49799 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43383  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8043ae86810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49800 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43384  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff804d8834000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49801 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43385  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81dd3dba000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49802 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43386  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80e3ac91810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49803 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43387  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81b43ac6000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49804 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43388  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff803c459f000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49805 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43389  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80d104bf000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49806 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43390  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80e54ce0000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49807 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43391  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80187e40810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49808 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43392  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8151af5c408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49809 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43393  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8081624f000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49810 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43394  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8196fa04408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49812 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43395  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80d5314d408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49814 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43396  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff805b6a96810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49815 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43397  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80d8779c408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49816 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43398  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8195dcbf000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49817 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43399  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff809da377000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49818 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43400  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8023391b000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49819 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43401  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff805b6a96408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49820 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43403  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff805b6a96000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49822 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43404  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80e54ce0810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49823 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43405  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80c576ff408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49824 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43406  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81ae2fce810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49825 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43407  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81cd22a0810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49826 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43408  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80b45f64000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49827 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43409  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80e049c7810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49828 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43410  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8195dcbf810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49829 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43411  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80b45f64810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49830 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43412  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8151af5c810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49831 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43413  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80d104bf810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49832 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43414  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8081624f810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49833 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43415  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8041edf7810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49834 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43416  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8199b919810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49835 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43417  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff814d7f52810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49836 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43418  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80187a62810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49837 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43419  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80d5314d000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49838 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43420  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff816810f3810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49839 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43421  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8136ba9f408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49840 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43422  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81cae52d810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49841 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43423  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8196fa04810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49842 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43424  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff816dd950408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49843 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43425  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81909535810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49850 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43427  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff814d7f52000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49851 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43431  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8064e5fe810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49852 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43432  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8058d39d000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49853 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43433  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81d90290408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49854 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43434  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81f4288d810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49855 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43435  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80b45f64408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49856 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43436  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80187a62408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49857 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43437  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff809da377810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49858 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43438  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8101c363810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49859 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43439  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80e049c7408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49860 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43440  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80187e42000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49861 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43441  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff818fd7cb000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49862 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43442  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff813ccf34810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49863 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43443  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8101c363000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49864 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43444  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81502ef9000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49866 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43445  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8046478a810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49867 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43446  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff815d976f810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49868 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43447  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81f4288d408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49869 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43448  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff802333cd408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49870 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43449  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8022f063810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49871 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43451  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff813f2e63810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49872 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43457  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80ce6fd3000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49873 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43458  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff815d976f408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49874 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43459  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81f70191408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49875 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43460  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81abade0810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49876 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43461  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8112bf76810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49877 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43462  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8112bf76408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49878 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43463  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff8112bf76000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49879 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43464  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff818fd7cb408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49880 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43465  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff812259de810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49881 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43466  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80d0e112810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49882 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43467  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff812259de408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49883 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43468  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff812259de000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49884 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43469  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80fee893810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49885 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43470  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81cae52d000      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49886 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43471  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff80a6cda5408      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49887 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  43513  pgsql   10u  IPv4 0xfffff81a0cfe3810      0t0  TCP 
localhost:postgresql->localhost:49897 (ESTABLISHED)
postgres  76598  pgsql    3u  IPv6 0xfffff80187e40000      0t0  TCP 
*:postgresql (LISTEN)
postgres  76598  pgsql    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80233158810      0t0  TCP 
*:postgresql (LISTEN)

997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 nanslp Is    -   0:00.04 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 nanslp Is    -   0:00.14 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:01.95 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 select Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 uwait  Ss    -   0:00.03 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 uwait  Is    -   0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Ss    -   0:01.84 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 nanslp Ss    -   0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  52  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.04 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.99 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Ss    -   0:02.23 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  40  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:02.57 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Ss    -   0:03.21 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Ss    -   0:01.38 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:01.30 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 select Ss    -   0:00.72 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997  6526     1   0  20  0 167168 17084 sbwait Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-dir -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  24  0 171604 27488 sbwait Ss    -   0:02.05 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 uwait  Is    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 select Ss    -   0:04.84 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 nanslp Ss    -   0:16.30 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 uwait  Ss    -   0:09.39 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 uwait  Is    -   8:03.05 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  21  0 171604 27488 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.34 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  22  0 171604 27488 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.81 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  21  0 171604 27488 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.41 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.02 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.08 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.17 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 28964     1   0  20  0 171604 27488 sbwait Ss    -   0:00.40 
/usr/local/sbin/bareos-sd -u bareos -g bareos -v -c 
997 54633     1   0  26  0  17088  2300 wait   I     -   0:00.00 /bin/sh 
997 54635     1   0  24  0  12444  1808 piperd I     -   0:00.00 mail -s 
Offsite Bareos Catalog Sync gf-adm...@iteris.com
997 58657 54633   0  27  0   8252  1632 wait   I     -   0:00.00 time s3cmd 
--config /var/db/bareos/.s3cfg put --no-progress /var/db/bareos/bareos.sql.bz2 
997 58658 58657   0  20  0 105328 22068 select S     -  14:09.37 
/usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/s3cmd --config /var/db/bareos/.s3cfg 
put --no-progress /var/db/bareos/bareos.sql.bz2 

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