Hang on, Sterling!  You're in for a rough ride.

   The volume you are asking about is "in preparation."  It is
   miscellaneous pieces in facsimile, vol. 9 of the Saemtliche Werke
   ed. Tim Crawford, et al., which is Bd. 15 in a special series
   (Sonderreihe) in Das Erbe deutscher Musik (EdM) publ. Baerenreiter..

   The volume of corresponding transcriptions has already appeared as vol.
   10 (iM 16), 604 pp. costing nearly $US1000 (that's right, one thousand
   dollars).   One can expect that the facsimile will be similarly
   priced.   Charlotte had no choice but to purchase it for her library.
   It was a big hunk from her book budget.


   The contents of vol. 10 are  listed here, as well as an index to the
   complete edition:


   An important web page is Markus Lutz (and colleagues):


   ----- Original Message -----
   From: "sterling price" <[4]spiffys84...@yahoo.com>
   To: "baroque lute list" <[5]baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2013 12:19 AM
   Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Weiss Volume 9 Facsimile

   >   Hi all--
   >   I'm looking for info about the Weiss complete works volume 9
   >   This is the one with works from miscellaneous manuscripts, and the
   >   I have been waiting almost 20 years to get. OMI has it listed, but
   >   no price. Before I call OMI, has anyone seen this yet?
   >   Thanks,
   >   Sterling
   >   --
   > To get on or off this list see list information at
   > [6]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html --


   3. http://www.slweiss.de/index.php
   4. mailto:spiffys84...@yahoo.com
   5. mailto:baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
   6. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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