For the tablatures, see :


Ivar-Nicholas Fojas a écrit :
    Dear Baroque Lute List,

    Greetings, I am Ivar from Tucson AZ. I was wondering if anyone could
    help me locate the facsimile for a baroque lute intabulation of J.S.
    Bach's Lute suite in G minor BWV 995. From what I have read, the
    intabulation was done during or shortly after Bach's time by an unkown
    Lutenist from Leipzig.

     I am primarily a guitar player and would immensely appreciate
    guidance through lute literature related to Bach.

     I would also be interested in any Literature ( article, modern day
    lute intabulation, facsimile etc.) related to J.S. Bach's lute suites
    in particular BWV 995/BWV 1011.

    I've heard  about an article by Alice Artz on the Third lute suite
    published on the first volume and Issue of LSA journal but have not
    been able to find a copy. Thank you in advance for your help and

    Many thanks,


    Ivar-Nicholas Fojas
    Fulbright Scholar (Philippines)
    Doctoral Candidate, University of Arizona - Bolton Guitar Studies


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