Thanks for testing the migration with Postgres

First, here is some general information about Postgres and the migration:

1. We don't have access to a BASE 1 server running on Postgres. Thus we 
are not able to test or develop for it.

2. With BASE 2 we only support Postgres 8.2 and up.

This means that we will not be able to fix anything that is related to 
Postgres in the migration. The only exception is if the error happens on 
the BASE 2 side which is not caused by a too old Postgres version.

What we can do is to include patches (made by others) in the main 
distribution provided that they work with MySQL as well. Since users 
with BASE 1 on Postgres probably are not able to test with MySQL we will 
do the tests with MySQL here. See below for comments on each specific issue.

Pawel Sztromwasser wrote:
> Hi,
> We are doing some preliminary migrations on testing databases to test if 
> everything works fine with the migration script. We use Postgres 7.3.9 
> on both, Base1 and Base2 installations, so we will test how it works 
> with this db server. Except changes required by Postgres in 
> /migration-queries.sql/ file I found that in method 
> /net.sf.basedb.clients.migrate.Migrater.verifySchemaVersion(
> query checking schema version has to be changed (double quotes are 
> necessary). Without this migration from Postgres database won't even start.

We can externalize this query to the migration-queries.sql file. It 
should be possible to have it included in the 2.5 release next week.

> The second thing is transferring wizzzards. In our Base1 database those 
> with /formatType=reportermap/, have column and row numbers in /mapping/ 
> property proceeded by /_r_x /and/ _r_y/ respectively, not by /numCol/ 
> and /numRow/ as WizzzardTransfer class expects. That causes the 
> ReporterMapImporter plugin configuration to fail. I don't know if the 
> mapping format has changed, but if the old one is still in use, the 
> migration could support it.

BASE 2 supports the same mappings as BASE 1 (and some more). I think it 
should be backwards slashes, eg. \_r_x\, etc. I am not sure what you 
mean with that the WizzzardTransfer expects \numCol\. The migration 
doesn't care about the mapping expressions. It should transfer them 
exactly as they are. Please post any error messages/stack traces, etc.

> And the last thing concerning only older Postgres server versions (< 8.0 
> according to 
> is that 
> they don't support JDBC's PreparedStatement.getParameterMetaData method. 
> Luckily this method is not used very often and only minor changes in 
> code (,, were 
> made to make migration run without this method. Users with 8.* Postgres 
> versions shouldn't have this problem.

I'm sorry but we are not able to help you with this. If your fixes also 
works with Postgres 8.x and MySQL we can include them in the main 
distribution. We are just about to start with the migration tests for 
the 2.5 release. If you want the changes tested (and possible included) 
in the 2.5 release I really need the code today.

This brings up the discussion about how to submit a patch. There is some 
information on the developer page (I want to contribute):

The instructions require that you have knowledge of Subversion and has 
checked out a local copy of the trunk.


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