Matthew Lange wrote:
> I am using the latest Base, and trying to load an initial data set.  My 
> initial effort was to modify the reporter importer to load some affy 

Why have you modified the reporter importer? What modifications have you 
made? The regular reporter importer can import Affymetrix csv files 
without problems. The hard part may be to come up with regular 
expressions that works. Sample configurations can be downloaded from

> probes from a csv file.  This worked fine for a small list, but as the 
> list approached >500 individuals, I started receiving out of memory 

What do you mean with "individuals"? We regularly test with importing 
50000+ reporters/probesets. It works fine with 500MB memory with room to 

> errors from the Java Heap...and even brought Tomcat to its knees on a 
> couple of occassions.  As a workaround, I uploaded the an 80ish MB CDF 
> file from Affy, which contains the array design.  This went in fine.  
> Then I tried to use the feature that allows me to import reporters from 
> the CDF file--again Java OOM errors, and tomcat whining.

We use the Affymetrix Fusion SDK for reading CDF files. I don't know 
about the memory requirements. I think the binary format uses less 
memory since data is read from the file at demand. If the file is in 
text format everything is parses and stored in memory. The biggest test 
file we have is ~40MB text format. Memory usage stays below 100MB while 
parsing that file.

> We have given Tomcat 2GB to play with, and this seems like it should be 
> more than enough.  Are there known issues with this utility that I 
> should be aware of, or is there a rule-of-thumb to follow when 
> allocating memory to tomcat, based on the size of files that need to be 
> parsed?  Or maybe another memory setting somewhere that I must have 
> overlooked?

Are you really sure that you have given Tomcat that much memory. You can 
check various configuration options including memory usage on the Help 
-> About menu. Switch to the "Configuration" tab.

> I will be happy to post more specific error messages if that will 
> help the troubleshooting process.

I am not even close to reproduce this so more information is certainly 


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