
Could you check if you are not using any filters in plugins view
that could narrow results?


Nick Loman wrote:
> Pawel Sztromwasser wrote:
>> It seems like the plugin is there. Check if this plugin has been shared 
>> to your user (Administrate->Plugins->Definitions and find the plugin). 
>> If not, only administrator/superuser can change that. If it is shared to 
>> you then it should be accessible.
> Hi Pawel
> Thanks for the reply. I am logging on as the root user.
> This was a fresh install of BASE 2.5.0 but the only two plugins I see 
> under Administrate->Plugins->Defitions are the following 2:
> Annotation importer net.sf.basedb.plugins.AnnotationFlatFileImporter
> Reporter map importer net.sf.basedb.plugins.ReporterMapFlatFileImporter
> However, I took a dump of the database and can see the following rows in 
> MySQL:
> mysql> select * from PluginDefinitions;
> +----+---------+---------+------------------+---------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+-
> -----------------------------+---------+-------+------------------------+------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------+------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------+---------------+-------+
> | id | version | removed | annotationset_id | class_name 
>                          | jar_path 
>      | name                             | description 
>                                               | version_string | 
> copyright                     | contact | email | url 
>   | type | interactive | supports_config | requires_config | 
> use_permissions | trusted | max_memory | allow_immediate | 
> use_internal_queue | itemkey_id | projectkey_id | owner |
> +----+---------+---------+------------------+---------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+-
> -----------------------------+---------+-------+------------------------+------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------+------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------+---------------+-------+
> |  1 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.Base1PluginExecuter         | NULL 
>                               | Base1PluginExecuter              | This 
> plug-in simulates the plug-in runner from Base 1.2 to enable old 
> plug-ins to be executed. 
>      | 1.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL 
> | http://base.thep.lu.se |    4 |            |                | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>               |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> |  2 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.BioAssaySetExporter         | NULL 
>                               | Bioassay set file exporter       | 
> Exporter for bioassay sets. Supported formats:
> - Tab Delimited, Multiple Sample Files (TDMS Format) for use in MeV 
> (available from http://www.tm4.org).
> - BASEfile 
>                                                                 | 2.0 
>           | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    2 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                | 
>              |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> |  3 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.FormulaFilter               | NULL 
>                               | JEP filter plugin                | This 
> plugin is used to filter a bioassay set, creating a new bioassay set 
> with fewer spots in it. The filter is based on expressions entered by 
> the user, which are parsed with the JEP package. Thus, the functionality 
> of this plugin is very flexible. 
>                                                                        | 
> 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    4 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>               |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> |  4 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.HelpExporter                | NULL 
>                               | Help texts exporter              | This 
> plugin is used to export a client applications help texts to a XML-file. 
> The help tests can later be imported by the corresponding import plugin. 
>                                                                    | 2.0 
>             | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    2 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                | 
>              |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> |  5 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.HelpImporter                | NULL 
>                               | Help texts importer              | This 
> plugin is used to import help texts from a XML-file to BASE. 
>                                                                       | 
> 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>               |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> |  6 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.IntensityCalculatorPlugin   | NULL 
>                               | Formula intensity calculator     | This 
> plugin is used to calculate intensities from raw data creating an 
> initial root bioassay set. The intensities are calculated using Formula 
> objects registered for the experiment's raw data type. Thus, the 
> functionality of this plugin can be extended by adding more formula 
> objects to the database. 
>             | 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | 
> NULL  | http://base.thep.lu.se |    3 |            |                 | 
>                 |                |        |       NULL | 
>   |                   |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> |  7 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.JepExtraValueCalculator     | NULL 
>                               | JEP extra value calculator       | This 
> plugin is used to calculate extra values for a bioassay set using 
> expressions entered by the user. The expressions are parsed with the JEP 
> package. 
>   | 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    4 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>               |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> |  8 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.JepIntensityTransformer     | NULL 
>                               | JEP intensity transformer        | This 
> plugin is used to transform the intensities of a bioassayset using 
> expressions entered by the user. The expressions are parsed with the JEP 
> package. 
> | 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    4 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>               |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> |  9 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.LowessNormalization         | NULL 
>                               | Normalization: Lowess            | This 
> is an efficient java implementation by Johan Enell of the LOWESS 
> algorithm. It provides intensity-based normalization.
> The window size is the only smoothness parameter available in this 
> implementation. The higher it is, the smoother the function will be. 
> Tweaking the other two parameters allows you to gain performance at the 
> price of a small precision loss. The default values are usually good.
> For more info on LOWESS:
> Cleveland WS, Devlin SJ: Locally weighted regression: an approach to 
> regression analysis by local fitting. J Am Stat Assoc 1988, 83:596-610.
> Yang YH, Dudoit S, Luu P, Lin DM, Peng V, Ngai J, Speed TP: 
> Normalization for cDNA microarray data: a robust composite method 
> addressing single and multiple slide systematic variation. Nucleic Acids 
> Res 2002, 30:e15. | 2.5            | 2006, Base 2 development team | 
> NULL    | NULL  | http://base.thep.lu.se |    4 |            | 
>         |                 |                |        |       NULL | 
>             |                   |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 10 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.MedianRatioNormalization    | NULL 
>                               | Normalization: Median ratio      | This 
> normalizer scales the intensities in such a way that their geometric 
> mean (sqrt(i1 * i2)) is kept constant but the median of their ratios 
> (i1/i2) is shifted to 1.
> The normalizer lets you exclude a percentage of the highest and lowest 
> intensities as well as all spots with at least one intensity below a 
> fixed value. 
>                                                    | 2.5            | 
> 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | http://base.thep.lu.se 
> |    4 |            |                 |                 | 
>   |        |       NULL |                 |                   | 
> 55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 11 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.PlateFlatFileImporter       | NULL 
>                               | Plate importer                   | This 
> plugin is used to import plates from a simple flat file. 
>                                                                       | 
> 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                | 
>       |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>             |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> | 12 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.PlateMappingExporter        | NULL 
>                               | Plate mapping exporter           | This 
> plugin is used to export plate mappings, which maps the coordinates of 
> one or more source plates to coordinates on one or more destination 
> plates. 
>   | 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    2 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                | 
>              |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> | 13 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.PlateMappingImporter        | NULL 
>                               | Plate mapping importer           | This 
> plugin is used to import plate mappings, which maps the coordinates of 
> one or more source plates to coordinates on one or more destination 
> plates. 
>   | 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>               |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> | 14 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.PrintMapFlatFileImporter    | NULL 
>                               | Print map importer               | This 
> plugin is used to import arraydesign from a print map. 
>                                                                       | 
> 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>               |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> | 15 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.RawDataFlatFileImporter     | NULL 
>                               | Raw data importer                | This 
> plugin is used to import raw data from a simple text file. 
>                                                                       | 
> 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                | 
>       |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>             |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 16 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.ReporterFlatFileImporter    | NULL 
>                               | Reporter importer                | This 
> plugin is used to import reporters from a simple flat file. 
>                                                                       | 
> 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                | 
>       |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>             |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 17 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.ReporterMapFlatFileImporter | NULL 
>                               | Reporter map importer            | This 
> plugin is used to import features to an ArrayDesign from a simple flat 
> file. 
>                                                                       | 
> 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                | 
>       |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>             |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> | 18 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.SpotImageCreator            | NULL 
>                               | Spot images creator              | 
> Converts a full-size scanned image into smaller preview jpg images for 
> each individual spot. 
>     | 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    5 |             |                 | 
>          |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>                |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 19 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.ZipFileUnpacker             | NULL 
>                               | ZIP file unpacker                | This 
> plugin unpacks a zip file on the BASE file system. It supports zip and 
> jar files. 
>                                                                       | 
> 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    5 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                | 
>              |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 20 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.TarFileUnpacker             | NULL 
>                               | TAR file unpacker                | This 
> plugin unpacks a tar file on the BASE file system. It also supports TAR 
> files compressed with the GZIP and BZIP algorithms. 
>                                                                      | 
> 2.4            | 2007, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    5 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                | 
>              |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 21 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.PluginConfigurationExporter | NULL 
>                               | Plugin configuration exporter    | This 
> plugin is used to export selected plugin configurations to an XML-file. 
> The plugin configurations can later be imported by the corresponding 
> import plugin. 
>                                                                        | 
> 2.1            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    2 |            |                 | 
>         |                |        |       NULL |                | 
>              |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 22 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.PluginConfigurationImporter | NULL 
>                               | Plugin configuration importer    | This 
> plugin is used to import configuration for a BASE plugin from an 
> XML-file. 
>      | 2.1            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL 
> | http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                 | 
>           |                 |        |       NULL |                 | 
>                  |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> | 23 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.CdfFileReporterImporter     | NULL 
>                               | Affymetrix CDF probeset importer | This 
> plug-in is used to import probesets from an Affymetrix CDF file as 
> reporters. It can be used in import mode from the reporter list view and 
> from the array design view and in verification mode from the array 
> design view. The plug-in can only set the name and ID of the reporters, 
> since the CDF file doesn't contains any annotation information. 
> Probesets already in BASE will not be affected by the import 
>            | 2.4            | 2007, Base 2 development team | NULL    | 
> NULL  | http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                 | 
>                 |                |        |       NULL | 
>   |                   |       NULL |          NULL |     1 |
> | 24 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.PackedFileExporter          | NULL 
>                               | Packed file exporter             | This 
> plugin is used to pack one or more files/directories into a single file. 
> Items should be selected before starting the plug-in and they must all 
> be located in the same parent directory. The compressed file can be 
> downloaded immediately or stored in the BASE file system. The user can 
> choose to have the selected files and directories removed after they've 
> been packed. 
>                                                                       | 
> 2.4            | 2007, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    2 |            |                | 
>       |                |        |       NULL |                | 
>            |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 25 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.AnnotationFlatFileImporter  | NULL 
>                               | Annotation importer              | This 
> plugin is used to import annotations to any annotatable items. 
>                                                                       | 
> 2.4            | 2007, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                | 
>        |                |        |       NULL |                 | 
>              |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 26 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.IlluminaRawDataImporter     | NULL 
>                               | Illumina raw data importer       | This 
> plugin is used to import raw data from Illumina data files. The plug-in 
> can be executed from the list of raw bioassays and will then only create 
> new raw bioassays, or from within an experiment, in which case the 
> imported data will also be associated with the experiment. 
>                                                                        | 
> 2.4            | 2007, Base 2 development team | NULL    | NULL  | 
> http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            |                 | 
>         |                 |        |       NULL |                 | 
>                |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 27 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.clients.web.plugins.SimpleExport    | NULL 
>                               | Table exporter                   | 
> Export all table listings in the web interface as tab-separated text 
> files or as XML. This plugin only works from within the web client, 
> since it depends on context and table information. 
>          | 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team | NULL    | 
> NULL  | http://base.thep.lu.se |    2 |            |                 | 
>                 |                 |         |       NULL | 
>    |                   |         55 |          NULL |     1 |
> | 28 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.exampleplugins.ExampleImporter      | 
> /usr/local/base-2.5.0/plugins/ExamplePlugins.jar | Example importer 
>              | An example plugin that pretends to import samples. It 
> can't be configured, but will ask for a file to import from and if 
> existing samples should be updated or not. It won't actually import any 
> samples, but will report that a few samples has been imported. 
>                         | 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development team 
> | NULL    | NULL  | http://base.thep.lu.se |    1 |            | 
>           |                 |                 |         |       NULL | 
>                 |                   |       NULL |            57 |     1 |
> | 29 |       0 |         |             NULL | 
> net.sf.basedb.exampleplugins.ExampleAnalyzer      | 
> /usr/local/base-2.5.0/plugins/ExamplePlugins.jar | Copy spot intensity 
>              | An example analysis plugin that creates a new bioassay 
> set by multiplying each intensitity value with the same factor, 
> filtering out intensities below a cutoff value. 
>                            | 2.0            | 2006, Base 2 development 
> team | NULL    | NULL  | http://base.thep.lu.se |    4 |            | 
>                |                 |                 |         | 
> NULL |                 |                   |       NULL |            57 
> |     1 |
> +----+---------+---------+------------------+---------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+-
> -----------------------------+---------+-------+------------------------+------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------+------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------+---------------+-------+
> Weird. Any ideas?
> Cheers
> Nick.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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> The BASE general discussion mailing list
> basedb-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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Pawel Sztromwasser
Computational Biology Unit
Bergen Center for Computational Science

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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