Hi all,

First, I'm just back from DH2017, where Clifford Anderson and I taught two
workshops on XQuery using BaseX, along with eXist and Saxon.  BaseX
performed like a champ.  We were able to configure the GUI window to show
just the query and results windows—perfect when you're projecting the
screen in a large room and want everyone to see.  Many thanks for such a
great teaching tool!  (Our materials are at

Back to the topic of this post, though, I noticed a slight difference
between BaseX's serialization of arrays when using JSON vs. adaptive
methods: with JSON, the array's items are separated by newlines, whereas
with adaptive, the items are separated by spaces.  This is interesting
since the serialization spec notes that the adaptive method delegates the
handling of the "indent" parameter to JSON.  Some code to reproduce this is

I'm curious to know - is there a particular reason for this difference?


xquery version "3.1";

declare namespace output="http://www.w3.org/2010/xslt-xquery-serialization";;
let $array := ["Cheapside","London","Dean Prior","Devon"]
for $method in ("json", "adaptive")
let $serialization-parameters :=
  fn:serialize($array, $serialization-parameters)

  "Dean Prior",
["Cheapside", "London", "Dean Prior", "Devon"]

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