Hi Dinu,

> Question 1:

Memory consumption of the BaseX GUI is similar as on command-line, but
it may be due to garbage collection that some memory will be freed.
How do you add documents outside the GUI?

> Question 2:

If a certain amount of memory is reserved by Java’s virtual machine,
it may still be used by other applications on your system (provided
that the memory can be freed by garbage collection). You can enforce
some GC calls by running the following XQuery expression (this should
only be done for testing purposes):

  (1 to 5) ! Q{java:java.lang.System}gc()


> After the data is extracted, it's no longer needed and I DROP the DB; also
> connection is closed. But memory (the huge 2G mentioned above) is never
> returned to the system.
> The script I use to run BaseX is:
> export BASEX_JVM="-Xmx2048m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20
> -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dorg.basex.LOG=false -Dorg.basex.DBPATH=/var/basex/data
> -Dorg.basex.REPOPATH=/var/basex/repo"
> BaseX/bin/basexserver -S
> So basically I tried specifying MaxHeapFreeRatio and SerialGC for java, but
> it's no improvement and it doesn't help so I assume the memory isn't hogged
> in java... is there a way to free up the memory once operations complete
> (like mentioned above, "complete" means created DB is dropped, connection
> closed, waiting for another batch to start over).
> Thanks,
> Dinu

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