
Wray, I’m still interested in finding out why the gui script behaves
differently than the server script (but are nearly identical). Could
you possibly send me your start scripts and the XQuery expression with
the Geo module import that caused the problems you reported?

On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 11:46 PM, E. Wray Johnson
<> wrote:
> Windows 7
> Wray Johnson
>> On Nov 11, 2017, at 4:38 PM, karol stachura <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Windows 10 Home version 1703 compilation: 15063.674
>> jre1.8.0_151
>> Regards,
>> Karol Stachura
>> W dniu 2017-11-11 o 20:10, Christian Grün pisze:
>>> Dear Karol,
>>> Thanks for the interesting hint; I have just revised the scripts and
>>> uploaded new snapshots [1].
>>> I am wondering right now why the (questionable) forward slashes never
>>> caused any problems on our systems. May I ask which version of Windows
>>> you are using?
>>> Next (@E. Wray), I am wondering why the Geo Module was contained in
>>> the class path when using the BaseX server, because all Windows start
>>> scripts were using forward slashes. Any thoughts are welcome.
>>> Best,
>>> Christian
>>> [1]
>>> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 6:51 PM, karol stachura
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Try to change slash to backslash in basexgui.bat (windows)
>>>> In my case this solved the problem.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Karol Stachura
>>>> W dniu 2017-11-11 o 16:58, Christian Grün pisze:
>>>> I installed 8.6.7 on a clean system (Windows 10), and the Geo module is
>>>> correctly detected when running basexgui.bat. I can confirm, however, that
>>>> it is not found when running BaseX.exe.
>>>> Maybe it helps to delete and reinstall BaseX? If it doesn’t, feel free to
>>>> provide me with some steps how to reproduce the issue.
>>>> Am 11.11.2017 16:49 schrieb "E. Wray Johnson" <>:
>>>>> Yes this problem occurs when running basexgui.bat, but it doesn’t if I run
>>>>> basexserver.bat.
>>>>> I am running official version 8.6.7.
>>>>> I have not tried the latest snapshot.
>>>>> It does not make a difference the directory from which it runs.
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 10:42 AM Christian Grün
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry for keeping you waiting. So this problem occurs when running
>>>>>> basexgui.bat, but it doesn’t if you run basexserver.bat? Does it make a
>>>>>> difference from which directory you start the scripts? And I guess the
>>>>>> problem also occurs with the latest snapshot?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>> Am 11.11.2017 16:37 schrieb "E. Wray Johnson" <>:
>>>>>>> This happens in the BaseX GUI not Server.
>>>>>>> Error:
>>>>>>> Stopped at D:/projects/xquery/geo test.xq, 1/57:
>>>>>>> [XQST0059] Module not found:
>>>>>>> Query:
>>>>>>> import module namespace geo = "";; declare
>>>>>>> namespace gml=''; for $x in
>>>>>>> db:open('geonames2','country') where index-of(['US'], 
>>>>>>> $x/json/countryCode)>0
>>>>>>> return geo:envelope( <gml:LinearRing> <gml:coordinates>($x/west, 
>>>>>>> $x/south),
>>>>>>> ($x/east, $x/south), ($x/east, $x/north), ($x/west, $x/north), ($x/west,
>>>>>>> $x/south)</gml:coordinates> </gml:LinearRing> )
>>>>>>> OS: Windows 7
>>>>>>> Installation Method: Windows installer
>>>>>>> Launch: basexgui.bat
>>>>>>> I had this problem long ago.

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