Hi Christian,

thanks for the fix, the result is correct now.

But this query now takes about 18 seconds (!) to execute, instead of <1 second like before. Do you think, this could be accelerated?

See attached for the complete console output.


Am 12.07.2018 um 13:03 schrieb Christian Grün:
Hi Sebastian,

This has been fixed. The background: In one of the optimizations of
the "if" expression, identical branches are merged:

   if(..expensive query..) then 1 else 1
   → Optimized Query: 1

The full-text options were ignored in the equality check.
A new snapshot is online.


On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 1:22 PM Sebastian Zimmer
<sebastian.zim...@uni-koeln.de> wrote:

I have a query which is optimized in a curious way in BaseX 9.0.2 (yesterday's 

This is the original query:

xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace tei = "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0";;
let $string := "string"
let $fuzzy := false()

return (
     if (false())
       then (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string} using fuzzy])
       else (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string}])
     if ($fuzzy)
     then (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string} using fuzzy])
     else (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string}])

And this is the optimized one (newlines inserted by me for better readability):

ft:search("ZK", "string" using language 
ft:search("ZK", "string" using fuzzy using language 

I'm curious why the second search is using fuzzy, even though the variable 
$fuzzy is false. I presume that query optimization is independent of the data, 
so you won't need the data to reproduce. But if you do, I can provide it. A 
database with enabled full-text index is required obviously.

Best regards,
Sebastian Zimmer

Sebastian Zimmer

Cologne Center for eHumanities
DH Center at the University of Cologne

Sebastian Zimmer
sebastian.zim...@uni-koeln.de <mailto:sebastian.zim...@uni-koeln.de>
CCeH Logo <http://cceh.uni-koeln.de>

Cologne Center for eHumanities <http://cceh.uni-koeln.de>
DH Center at the University of Cologne
Twitter Logo <https://twitter.com/CCeHum>@CCeHum <https://twitter.com/CCeHum>

szimmer1@luhmann1:/var/local/basex/webapp$ ../bin/basex -V 

xquery version "3.1"; declare namespace tei = "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0";; 
let $string := "string" let $fuzzy := false() return ( 
collection('ZK')/tei:TEI[ if (false()) then (.[descendant::text() contains text 
{$string} using fuzzy]) else (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string}]) ], 
collection('ZK')/tei:TEI[ if ($fuzzy) then (.[descendant::text() contains text 
{$string} using fuzzy]) else (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string}]) ] )

- pre-evaluate fn:collection([uri]) to document-node() sequence: 
collection("ZK") -> (db:open-pre("ZK", 0), ...)
- rewrite if to iter filter: if(false()) then (.)[descendant::text() ... -> 
(.)[descendant::text() contains text { $...
- rewrite iter filter to ftcontains: (.)[descendant::text() contains text { 
$... -> descendant::text() contains text { $stri...
- rewrite iter filter to ftcontains: (.)[descendant::text() contains text { 
$... -> descendant::text() contains text { $stri...
- apply full-text index for { $string_0 } using language 'English'
- pre-evaluate fn:collection([uri]) to document-node() sequence: 
collection("ZK") -> (db:open-pre("ZK", 0), ...)
- inline $string_0
- inline $fuzzy_1
- rewrite if to iter filter: if(false()) then (.)[descendant::text() ... -> 
(.)[descendant::text() contains text "st...
- rewrite iter filter to ftcontains: (.)[descendant::text() contains text 
"st... -> descendant::text() contains text "string...
- rewrite iter filter to ftcontains: (.)[descendant::text() contains text 
"st... -> descendant::text() contains text "string...
- simplify gflwor

Optimized Query:
(ft:search("ZK", "string" using language 
'English')/ancestor::tei:TEI[parent::document-node()], (db:open-pre("ZK", 0), 
...)/tei:TEI[descendant::text() contains text "string" using language 

Parsing: 321.15 ms
Compiling: 114.32 ms
Evaluating: 6.49 ms
Printing: 17467.63 ms
Total Time: 17909.59 ms

Hit(s): 0 Items
Updated: 0 Items
Printed: 0 b
Read Locking: ZK
Write Locking: (none)

Query "predicate_test.xql" executed in 17909.59 ms.

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