Thanks, good catch. I have opened an issue for that [1]. – Best, Christian


On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 11:51 AM Sebastian Zimmer <> wrote:

> Hi Christian,
> this is the simplest query I could come up with:
> xquery version "3.1";
> let $fuzzy := false()
> return (
>   collection('BIBL')/*:TEI[
>     if ($fuzzy)
>     then ()
>     else (.[descendant::text() contains text {"string"} using fuzzy])
>   ]
> )
> is optimized to:
> (db:open-pre("BIBL", 0), ...)/*:TEI[descendant::text() contains text "string" 
> using fuzzy using language 'English']
> should be optimized to:
> ft:search("BIBL", "string")/ancestor::*:TEI
> Thanks,
> Sebastian
> Am 24.07.2018 um 11:23 schrieb Christian Grün:
> Hi Sebastian,
> I guess the index was only rewritten for index access in BaseX 8 because
> the two branches of the if/then/else expression was simplified incorrectly
> and replaced with one of the branches. To simplify debugging, could you
> please simplify your query even more and drop all superfluous expressions
> that do not relate to this bug?
> Thanks in advance,
> Christian
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 11:16 AM Sebastian Zimmer <
>> wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> I have compared the output of the latest BaseX 9.1 with 8.6.7 and it
>> looks like a regression.
>> Whereas in 8.6.7, the query ist optimized two times with ft:search, in
>> 9.1 only one time.
>> See attached for both outputs.
>> Best,
>> Sebastian
>> Am 23.07.2018 um 11:55 schrieb Sebastian Zimmer:
>> The full-text index of the database is enabled and the compiling info
>> section of the query states
>> - apply full-text index for { $string_0 } using language 'English'
>> The optimized query looks to me as if the index is applied only once via
>> ft:search, but not in both cases.
>> Best,
>> Sebastian
>> Am 23.07.2018 um 11:47 schrieb Christian Grün:
>> Hi Sebastian,
>> Did you check in the Info View panel if the index is applied? If no,
>> you might try something as follows:
>>   if ($fuzzy) then (
>>     collection('ZK')/tei:TEI[... using fuzzy])
>>   ) else (
>>     collection('ZK')/tei:TEI[...])
>>   )
>> Usually, if full-text options are dynamic, I tend to use ft:search [1].
>> Best,
>> Christian
>> [1]
>> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 11:41 AM Sebastian 
>> Zimmer<> <> wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> thanks for the fix, the result is correct now.
>> But this query now takes about 18 seconds (!) to execute, instead of <1 
>> second like before. Do you think, this could be accelerated?
>> See attached for the complete console output.
>> Best,
>> Sebastian
>> Am 12.07.2018 um 13:03 schrieb Christian Grün:
>> Hi Sebastian,
>> This has been fixed. The background: In one of the optimizations of
>> the "if" expression, identical branches are merged:
>>   if(..expensive query..) then 1 else 1
>>   → Optimized Query: 1
>> The full-text options were ignored in the equality check.
>> A new snapshot is online.
>> Best,
>> Christian
>> On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 1:22 PM Sebastian 
>> Zimmer<> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a query which is optimized in a curious way in BaseX 9.0.2 
>> (yesterday's snapshot).
>> This is the original query:
>> xquery version "3.1";
>> declare namespace tei = ""; 
>> <>;
>> let $string := "string"
>> let $fuzzy := false()
>> return (
>>   collection('ZK')/tei:TEI[
>>     if (false())
>>       then (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string} using fuzzy])
>>       else (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string}])
>>   ],
>>   collection('ZK')/tei:TEI[
>>     if ($fuzzy)
>>     then (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string} using fuzzy])
>>     else (.[descendant::text() contains text {$string}])
>>   ]
>> )
>> And this is the optimized one (newlines inserted by me for better 
>> readability):
>> (
>> ft:search("ZK", "string" using language 
>> 'English')/ancestor::tei:TEI[parent::document-node()],
>> ft:search("ZK", "string" using fuzzy using language 
>> 'English')/ancestor::tei:TEI[parent::document-node()]
>> )
>> I'm curious why the second search is using fuzzy, even though the variable 
>> $fuzzy is false. I presume that query optimization is independent of the 
>> data, so you won't need the data to reproduce. But if you do, I can provide 
>> it. A database with enabled full-text index is required obviously.
>> Best regards,
>> Sebastian Zimmer
>> --
>> Sebastian
>> Cologne Center for eHumanities
>> DH Center at the University of Cologne
>> @CCeHum
>> --
>> Sebastian
>> Cologne Center for eHumanities
>> DH Center at the University of Cologne
>> @CCeHum
>> --
>> Sebastian Zimmer
>> [image: CCeH Logo] <>
>> Cologne Center for eHumanities <>
>> DH Center at the University of Cologne
>> [image: Twitter Logo] <>@CCeHum
>> <>
>> --
>> Sebastian Zimmer
>> [image: CCeH Logo] <>
>> Cologne Center for eHumanities <>
>> DH Center at the University of Cologne
>> [image: Twitter Logo] <>@CCeHum
>> <>
> --
> Sebastian Zimmer
> [image: CCeH Logo] <>
> Cologne Center for eHumanities <>
> DH Center at the University of Cologne
> [image: Twitter Logo] <>@CCeHum
> <>

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