Hi Christian,

Thanks for the help.


Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor

On 10/1/2018 9:04 PM, Christian Grün wrote:
Hi Radu,

    How does baseX parse XML document, does it do so using the regular
    "javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory" factory?

Yes, it does [1]!

    So in order to test if RNG-based XML parsing works with BaseX we would
    somehow need a way to add the "dita-ng.jar" to the baseX server's class
    path but it should also come in the classpath before the

Currently, there is no particular order in which libraries are imported
[2], but if the chosen order is wrong, the dita-ng.jar could be added
manually to the start script.

Hope this helps,

[2] https://github.com/BaseXdb/basex/blob/master/basex-core/etc/basex

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