Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your question. Our testing framework is called XQUnit [1];
I guess it differs from the mechanism provided by eXist-db. We don’t
offer any well-defined functionality to supply tests for EXPath
packages. However, you can run an XQUnit test module on command-line
via the -t flag [2]. Maybe this call could be defined as maven build

Feel free to keep us updated.


[1] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Unit_Module
[2] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Command-Line_Options

On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 7:54 PM Duncan Paterson <dun...@exist-db.org> wrote:
> HI Basex folks,
> i m looking into building two expath packages one for exist and one for bases 
> using maven.
> I have the build configured and get proper xars, but i m struggling with 
> running basex’s Xunit tests as part of the maven build. I didn’t find 
> anything on the mailing list or in the docs about that.
> If somebody has an example project they could point me towards that would be 
> greatly appreciated. Basically i want to know if this is possible at all, and 
> if so what dependencies / libs i need to declare inside my pom for this to 
> work.
> Greetings
> Duncan
> Ceterum censeo exist-db.org esse conriganda

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