> serialize(<Basex Database Name>/<folder name>/<xml file name>.xml ,
> map {
>     'method' : 'xml'
>      'xml' : map { 'doctype-system' : '<!DOCTYPE testSuiteConfig SYSTEM 
> "../../../configs/TestConfig_2_1.dtd">',  'omit-xml-declaration' : 'no' }
>     }
> )

There are various ways to specify the serialization parameters. If you
assign options in the query prolog, there is no need to call

declare namespace output = 'http://www.w3.org/2010/xslt-xquery-serialization';
declare option output:omit-xml-declaration 'no';
declare option output:doctype-system '../../../configs/TestConfig_2_1.dtd';
db:open('db', 'path/to/file.xml')

If you invoke serialize, a valid item must be supplied as first
argument for serialize. This can e.g look as follows:

  serialize(db:open('db', 'path/to/file.xml'), map { ... })

> From: Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 9:27 PM
> To: Srikumar Choudhury <schou...@opentext.com>
> Cc: James Ball <basex-t...@jamesball.co.uk>; BaseX 
> <basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de>
> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] - Re: [basex-talk] BaseX 9.4 - XQuery locks - 
> documentation query
> Hi Srikumar,
> As document type definitions and XML declarations are not part of the
> XML information set, they are not stored in the database. However, you
> can easily recreate them when serializing your documents. See [1] for
> further information.
> Hope this helps
> Christian
> [1] 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-infoset/__;!!Obbck6kTJA!OZeMfuu_v5bg2MlWBgvOV5Cz4kfvZzejlmLdia84fV9ScLMuUO5R91AP4AVy7d0PwQ$
> [2] 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.basex.org/wiki/Serialization__;!!Obbck6kTJA!OZeMfuu_v5bg2MlWBgvOV5Cz4kfvZzejlmLdia84fV9ScLMuUO5R91AP4AWXSI7EQA$
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 5:49 PM Srikumar Choudhury
> <schou...@opentext.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > <!DOCTYPE some name SYSTEM .. and <?xml version="1.0"?> data loss are 
> > happening while importing the xml document using db:replace(...) API.
> >
> >  <?xml version="1.0"?>
> >
> > <!DOCTYPE testSuiteConfig SYSTEM "../../../configs/TestConfig_2_1.dtd">
> > etc.
> > We need help to resolve this issue.
> > we are using Java executeQuery api of XQExpression. class to run 
> > "db:replace(...)" query to store document in Basex database, but while 
> > retrieving the XML files from basex server we notice data loss. we can loss 
> > above data.
> >
> > Please help us, how we can resolve this issue or share some documentation, 
> > which can help to resolve this issue.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Srikumar

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