Dear BaseX,


according to github instructions I’m sending a bug report via email:


Using BaseX 9.5.1, cmd-line “basex.bat -i datafile.xml queryfile.xq” leads to 
no result at all. I’m convinced there should be result equivalent to the one of 
the online xquery tester (

For a modified query using string comparison based on fn:path(), BaseX gives 
the expected result.


%%% query begin %%%

let $rootElement := /child::*

for $x in //Section[parent::* != $rootElement]

return fn:path($x)

%%% query end %%%


%%% data begin %%%


                <Section id="should not be reported 1" />

                <Section id="should not be reported 2">

                                <Section id="should be reported 1"/>


                                                <Section id="should be reported 




                                <Section id="should be reported 3"/>



%%% data end %%%


%%% modified query begin %%%

let $rootElementPath := fn:path(/child::*)

for $x in //Section[fn:path(parent::*) != $rootElementPath]

return fn:path($x)

%%% query end %%%


Kind regards

Jan Červák

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