Hi Andy,

When I tried to run the code, Basex complained about the 3rd argument in bdrc:toUnicode($roman,$warn,true(),false())
“4 arguments supplied, 1 or 3 expected”

With the 3rd argument removed it works a treat and is going to save me a lot of time. I have thousands of records to check and your reply really saved my bacon.

Thank you ever so much,




Sent from Mail for Windows


From: Andy Bunce
Sent: 11 April 2023 19:54
To: Burkhard Quessel
Cc: basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de
Subject: Re: [basex-talk] Fwd: FW: java binding passing variables


Hi Burkhard,


The thing about the warn argument is that it can be updated by the Java call. So I think you will need to pass in a suitable Java object.

For this case I tried an  ArrayList


import module namespace bdrc = "io.bdrc.ewtsconverter.EwtsConverter";
let $warn:=Q{java.util.ArrayList}new()
let $roman := "bk ra shise bde legs"
let $result:=bdrc:toUnicode($roman,$warn,true(),false())
return map{"result": $result,
           "warn": Q{java.util.ArrayList}toString($warn)


Results in

map {
  "warn": "[line 1: ""bk"": Expected vowel after ""k"".]",
  "result": "བཀ་ར་ཤིསེ་བདེ་ལེགས"


I don't know if this is right or not. There are better ways to pick apart $warn.







On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 13:16, Burkhard Quessel <bques...@gmail.com> wrote:

Subject: java binding passing variables


I am trying to use xquery to transform Tibetan which is presented in Roman script to Unicode, i.e. into original Tibetan script. For this I use existing java code from here:



I add the jar of this code (https://jar-download.com/artifact-search/ewts-converter)  to my basex library and import like this:

import module namespace bdrc = "io.bdrc.ewtsconverter.EwtsConverter";

I can then use a java method to convert my Romanised Tibetan text to Unicode Original Tibetan script like so:


let $roman := "bkra shis bde legs"




so far it works perfectly:



My  problems begin when I try to add additional parameters to the conversion.


 The java documentation lists a number of possible parameters:

toUnicode(String str, List<String> warns, boolean sloppy, boolean lenient)

(I want the “warns” one) but I am just too stupid to figure out how exactly to include this in in my  xquery code. Can anyone help out?


 Thanks Burkhard



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