I wanted to look up the hof:until[1] syntax in the wiki. It tells me that
it has been replaced with  fn:iterate-while. Well, I hope, when the dust
settles, there is something similar to this in the spec, but it looks like
it may not be iterate-while .

Today a user of the current BaseX release(10.7) is going to struggle to
find what hof:until does and wont find any fn:iterate-while . I think
deprecating functions and moving forward is great. I do like to see what
4.0 might bring with the BaseX 11 betas but  if I catch myself writing
anything substantial I stop. The ground is unstable.

I think the wiki should center on the functionality of the current release,
with just teasers about the future.
Christian, I think you hinted that the future may hold some documentation
API built into the product, or did I imagine that?


[1] https://docs.basex.org/wiki/Higher-Order_Functions_Module,

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