Minutes of Meeting #1458
Monday, July 9, 2018

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner, Milpitas

Called to order at 8 pm - without pie
19 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1455 were accepted as 'posted online'

the Treasurer reported that we took in $3.10 in the regular jar & $9.00 in
the party jar

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report

Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters are doing a test run of
their ghost walk for Worldcon 76 on Saturday, 4pm - check the meetup page
for details

Steven announced that SFSFSF - or SF3 has their podcast on sf3podcast.com

Yochanon announced that HalfPrice Bookstore in Freemont is having a sale
this week thru Sunday & you can get a coupon if you sign up with them for
email announcements

Brad announced that he submitted an article about the Retro-Hugos for the
Worldcon 76 program book

Diane announced that there will be events held at Worldcon 76 and she has
flyers for the con for folks to distribute

Andy announced that Columbus, Ohio submitted a bid for the 2020 Nasfic &
that SeaTac is bidding for Westercon 72 & he & [evil] Kevin will be their
Fan GoHs

Ken announced that 3 Below theatres will be showing 'Lord of the Rings'
movies this and next weekend - check 3belowtheaters.com for more info

JC reviewed an interior/exterior dashcam as quite pricey but incredibly
good - he got a Blackvue

Adrienne reviewed the 1st season blueray of Tom Baker as the Doctor as
worth getting - she liked the letterboxing & the extras

Yochanon reviewed 'Isle of Dogs' as he really liked it & he very much
enjoyed the theatre it was being shown in - the Shattuck - so great movie &
theatre, then also reviewed seeing the 'Wrath of Khan' & 'Star Trek, into
Darkness' as a good pairing

Andy reviewed Westercon 71 jokingly as being 'very high in Denver', that
the Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center was a good location, the space was
used well, the programming was solid, masquerade was fun & the guests were
excellent - but there weren't many parties per night, so they ran parties
several nights - and found the convention well-attended & rated it worth
full price

[blond] Ross reviewed a trilogy on audible books by Dennis E Taylor - 'The
Bobiverse Trilogy' as having a preserved head, cloning, interstellar travel
and is well-written & thoughtful, he enjoyed it & Steven added that SFSFSF
did a podcast on it

we had auctions

we adjourned at 9:12

Rumor of the week was 'Harlan Ellison is still dead'

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