> I'd like to highlight a text element of my svg file:
> <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 433.8965 494.4141)" style="fill:#00FFFF;
> font-family:'CourierNewPSMT'; font-size:24;">00.00</text>
> I cannot see any way to set the background of a text, or to get the box size
> to draw a rectangle around it.
> Do you know how I can do this?

A hacky way of declaratively drawing background for your text is to use
a filter:

  <svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' font-size='24'>
    <filter id='f' x='0' y='0' width='100%' height='100%'>
      <feFlood flood-color='yellow' result='bg'/>
        <feMergeNode in='bg'/>
        <feMergeNode in='SourceGraphic'/>
    <text x='20' y='100' filter='url(#f)'>Hello there</text>

The overhead of doing this is probably much greater than computing the
bounding box of the text and inserting a <rect> to draw the background,

Cameron McCormack ≝ http://mcc.id.au/

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