Philipp Moeller <> writes:

> Carson Chittom <> writes:
>> "Philipp Möller" <> writes:
>>> I'm new to BBDB and confused by which manual to use for which version.
>> From interactions on this list, it appears that most-to-all of the old
>> manual is invalid for BBDB3.
> So for now it is just looking at source and figuring things out.

Please don't disregard the old manual completely, but read with caution!

I have learned to use BBDB 3 pretty much from the old manual, so it's
certainly a reasonable place to start. There are some breaking changes
in variable names, and that's where looking at the docstrings / source
or eventually the mailing list comes in.

If you have the time, keep notes of the changes as you learn; these will
be useful for updating the manual. I asked about this previously, but it
seems an update is (understandably) not on top of the todo list. 

I guess if the info files are included in git, maybe someone else than
the main developer(s?) could work on it? I wouldn't mind trying to help,
but have limited experience.

The only note (unfortunately) I have kept is below.

| ;(add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'bbdb-define-all-aliases)   ; BBDB 2.35
| (add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'bbdb-mail-aliases) ; BBDB 3.x

Also, I think the set-up has changed; see a recent message on the list
on this.


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