On Thu Jun 23 2016 ST wrote:
> >   In particular, `calendar-date-style' is obeyed via `diary-date-forms'.
> How can I try to use it? (I'm new to Emacs...)

Emacs has calendar and diary facilities, see the node in the info
manual for Emacs.  In the diary file you can specify entries for
different dates.  The format of the dates is specified via the user
variable calendar-date-style.  diary-date-forms is less relevant
here from a user perspective.

bbdb-anniv assumes that your BBDB records use the same format for
anniversary dates as you have selected for your diary file via

> > (Do your Hebrew dates interact properly with the Emacs calendar?)
> How can I check it?

To display BBDB anniversaries in the Emacs diary,
call `bbdb-initialize' with arg `anniv'.

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