On 12/5/08, Seth McFarland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Textmate (Mac), Coda (Mac), Notepad++ (Windows) and UltraEdit (Windows) all
>work the way I've described.  In doing some testing I see that SubEthaEdit
>and Textpad work in a similar way to BBEdit.  So apparently there is not a
>universal behavior.


>I'd still like to know if there is some way to make BBEdit invoke the "Save
>Default Window" on each program close.  I tried some GUI AppleScripts but
>didn't have much luck.

I don't recall you saying this before, but see below.

>> On 5-Dec-2008, at 07:54, Seth McFarland wrote:
>> > I'm not sure how they are contradictory at all.  My desire is for
>> > BBEdit to function the way the vast majority (> 99%?) of all Mac
>> > applications work.

It's when you wrap your ignorance in arrogance like this that 
leads me (and others?) to almost ignore the opportunity to give 
you suggestions.

Anyway, you are asking for behavior that seems inconsistent and 
contradictory, perhaps because it wasn't stated clearly.

But MOVING ON, here's a _partial_ solution, based on your latest 
request (above):

1. Set a menu command for Save Default Window.
2. Record an Applescript of simply calling that menu command.
3. Save the script in the ~/Library/Application 
Support/BBEdit/Menu Scripts folder, named "BBEdit•Quit BBEdit" 
(no quotes).

But let me caution you:

- In previous messages you refer to the "main" BBEdit window. No 
such thing. Maybe you mean "front-most".

- If your settings make BBEdit save state and honor saved state, 
individual documents should open the way they've been last 
modified, regardless of BBEdit-wide preference settings and 
new-doc settings.



     - Bruce


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