On 5/10/09 at 7:03 AM, rsfre...@verizon.net (RichF) wrote:

>Can BBedit be set to ignore line endings ie move cursor to any column?
>I want to ignore the end of line so that I can position my cursor
>anywhere. Or find a way to move the end-of-line automatically.
>If current line of text ends at position 49, I want to place text at
>position 72 without having to type tabs or spaces. MultiEdit for
>Windoze allows one to ignore line endings.

I can't answer technically about whether BBEdit can or should do 
this, but I'm so curious:

1. What purpose does this serve?

2. What would be between column (position) 49 and column 72 if 
there are no spaces or tabs?

3. When you use MultiEdit, can you have it show all invisible 
characters (space, tabs, line-feeds, carriage returns)? What 
does MultiEdit put in the intervening space?

I wonder whether you are confusing a text editor (e.g., BBEdit) 
and a word processor? The closest thing I know of to what you've 
described is when newer versions of MS Word allow a double click 
anywhere on the page to put the cursor at that point. But of 
course what Word is doing is adding tabs, spaces, margins, text 
boxes, etc. to get the cursor to that point, so I'm not sure 
that's what you are asking for.

Both "columns" and "line endings" are fictions of presentation. 
Text is just a continuous line of characters. The customary way 
to present a line of characters on screen or in print is to 
designate one or more characters as having the role of moving 
the flow of text to a new line and to the starting point at the 
margin. Which characters have these roles is set by the 
operating system.

Maybe all you mean is a convenience function that pads over to 
where you click, so you don't have to press a few keys.

Please enlighten.

    - Bruce


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