On 5/10/09 at 8:38 AM, fri...@manoverboard.org (Fritz Anderson) wrote:

>On 10 May 2009, at 9:47 AM, Bruce Van Allen wrote:
>>1. What purpose does this serve?
>Given the emphasis on column 72, I assume he's coding FORTRAN, 
>and  needs to get to the line-sequence field. He wants to press 
>a super-tab  key, which will space-fill the line so the next 
>character goes into  column 72, like a tab stop in the control 
>card on a keypunch. I seem  to recall that TextMate has a 
>similar feature (at least of moving the  cursor to beyond EOL, 
>and space-filling the difference).
>I don't think BBEdit has this feature, but so many people have  
>confidently said BBEdit can't do something, and been proven 
>wrong, I  don't want to commit myself. My searches turned 
>nothing up. I toyed  with setting tab spacing to 72, and 
>relying on the Detab command, but  that's insane.

Thanks for this explanation. I don't know either if such a 
function exists in BBEdit, but it would be trivial to script it 
in Applescript. Then assign the script a keyboard command, maybe 
Control-Tab, just to stick with the super-tab idea.

    - Bruce


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