On Aug 4, 2009, at 7:16 AM, SJR wrote:

> Does anyone know if it is possible to do the equivalent of Coda's
> (Panic Software) 'BlockEdit Selection' in BBEdit?

I'm not familiar with Coda's 'BlockEdit Selection' feature, but it  
sounds similar to BBEdit's rectangular selections. Hold down the  
Option key while dragging your cursor across some text (soft wrap must  
also be disabled). You can then do all normal text operations on the  
resulting rectangular selection. See page 91 of the user manual for  
more information.

I often use rectangular selections with BBEdit's Text -> "Prefix/ 
Suffix Lines..." command to add/remove text across multiple, similar  
lines all at once, like a list of variable declarations. It's a  
powerful combination of features.

Hope this helps.


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