SJR <> sez:
>Prefix/Suffix does this for me at the start and end of selected text,
>but I wish to do this at any point within the text

You can apply Prefix/Suffix Lines at an arbitrary position as well.

Taking your example, just make a zero-width columnar selection by setting
the insertion point before "line", then Option-dragging straight down
through the desired range of lines.

Here is a |line of text
Here is a |line of text
Here is a |line of text
Here is a |line of text
A line of text that I'm not changing.
A line of text that I'm not changing.

where | shows the position of the column selection. (For a better
representation than my ASCII art :), please see "Working with Rectangular
Selections" in the PDF manual.)

Once you've got this selection, just apply Prefix/Suffix lines with "new ".

Here is a new line of text
Here is a new line of text
Here is a new line of text
Here is a new line of text
A line of text that I'm not changing.
A line of text that I'm not changing.


 Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc.                        <>
P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048

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