Hey Folks,

Jeeze.  It's been a long time since I seriously scripted BBEdit.  In  
this case I want to prefix every line in the front document.

This works fine:

tell application "BBEdit"
        tell front text document
                set before first word of line 3 to "•"
        end tell
end tell

This doesn't:

tell application "BBEdit"
        set before first word of every line of front text document to "•"
end tell

This does the job perfectly:

tell application "BBEdit"
        tell front text document
                add prefix ( lines 1 thru -1 ) prefix "•"
        end tell
end tell

And you can loop through or do a find/replace of course.  All this  
discovered, and I still feel like I'm missing something.  Any more  
useful magic?



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