Hey Guys,

On Oct 30, 2009, at 10:12, Semper Fidelis wrote:
> Why not use a simple grep to do it for you? This works for me:

I did mention that possibility, and this can be easily scripted as well.

On Oct 30, 2009, at 01:44, Christopher Stone wrote:
>> And you can loop through or do a find/replace of course.  All this  
>> discovered, and I still feel like I'm missing something.  Any more  
>> useful magic?

tell application "BBEdit"
        tell front text document
                replace "^" using "url = " searching in it ¬
                        options {search mode:grep, showing results:false} with 
        end tell
end tell

On Oct 30, 2009, at 10:22, Jan Pieter Kunst wrote:
> Or why not use the Text -> Prefix/Suffix Lines menu item?

I actually did this via script, and that's the point of the exercise.

tell application "BBEdit"
        tell front text document
                add prefix (lines 1 thru -1) prefix "url = "
        end tell
end tell

I'm starting to re-learn how to script BBEdit, and this step is a  
small part of a more complex filter I'm building.  That filter is  
bound to a keyboard shortcut and preprocesses an html file for use  
with curl.  Eventually I'll probably move to a Perl filter, but my  
Perl skills are quite rudimentary at the moment.

On the Perl topic does anyone have recommendations for online  
resources and books for a rank beginner?



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