Thanks for all the ideas.  In a little more detail, I manage a fairly
low-traffic site.  I know I could copy everything to a sandbox
directory and test in there, but then I've got to also direct my
client apps to use the sandbox.  Time-consuming.  Sometimes when I
need to make a relatively small change I'd like to download the "live"
script, edit a little, and then do a syntax check to insure that --
oh, maybe I've got a 80% chance of it working before uploading.  Just
enough to catch the really stupid stuff.

Anyhow, I understand the limitations and workarounds now.  Just now, I
was able to finally get a clean syntax check after downloading a few
files and also spending about 10 minutes with CPAN.  It's not an ideal
world, but I get by.

Thanks again,


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