Well, for 15 chars from end of line you could use regexp (grep in the
find/replace dialog). Here's a crude example


Then replace what's found with: newstuff\1

The \1 is what is captured in the regexp.


On Jun 6, 3:31 pm, LuKreme <krem...@kreme.com> wrote:
> Something I do quite a bit is take a file like this:
> file1.txt
> file2.txt
> file3.txt
> and a file likes this:
> Fred
> George
> Alex
> and convert it to
> mv "file1.txt" "a long filename - 1 - Fred.txt"
> mv "file3.txt" "a long filename - 2 - George.txt"
> mv "file3.txt" "a long filename - 3 - Alex.txt"
> I do this by running one search replace, and then doing a column insert right 
> before the .txt of the list of names.  This works great and I have no 
> problems with it, unless the filenames are of differing lengths:
> fileone.txt
> filethree.txt
> filefourteennintytwo.txt
> and I end up with
> mv "fileone.txt" "fileone - .txt"
> mv "filethree.txt" "filethree - .txt"
> mv "filefourteennintytwo.txt" "filefourteennintytwo - .txt"
> and I can no long insert the lines from the second file into the appropriate 
> place in this file.
> Where I need to insert the names may change depending on what I am working 
> with, and it could be in the middle of a long file name like
> mv "2010-05-27 AM.txt" "2010 Annual Meetings Notes - George - 20100527.txt"
> mv "IT meeting 2010 04 17" "2010 IT Meeting Note - Alex - 20100417.txt"
> getting the files to the point where I can then insert the names is not a 
> problem I have processes and searches to do all that, the only issue is not 
> being able to do the column paste because the lines don't line up.  Since I 
> am moving to a standard filenaming convention, the RIGHT side (the target 
> name) is always going to be the same length (up until I paste in the names) 
> so if there was some way to right justify all the lines quickly or to do a 
> column insert at '15 characters from end of line that would sort me out. Or 
> is there something else I am missing?
> (SOMETIMES I can use prefix/postfix lines, but often that is not so easy)
> --
> "I hope someday you know the indescribable joy of having children, and
> of paying someone else to raise them."

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