On Nov 27, 2010, at 18:14, Warren Michelsen wrote:
> Is it possible to do this using just BBEdit's Find/Replace and such, without 
> resorting to Perl or some other type of script?

Hey Warren,

Not really.

Here's a quick and dirty script (assumes "dataFile.txt" exists on the desktop):

set f to "" & (path to desktop) & "dataFile.txt"
tell application "BBEdit"
                set findResult to find "^DataName(1|10|15)\\b.+" searching in 
front text document ¬
                        options {search mode:grep, starting at top:true, 
returning results:true}
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " : "
                set valueList to {}
                repeat with i in found matches of findResult
                        set end of valueList to text item 2 of match_string of i
                end repeat
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
                set valueList to valueList as string
                set dataFile to open f
                set end of text of dataFile to valueList & linefeed
                save dataFile to f
        on error errMsg number errNum
                tell me to display dialog "Error: " & errMsg & return & "Error 
Number: " & errNum
        end try
end tell

Personally I'd use the Satimage.osax for my regex (again quick and dirty):

# Find Handler - Returns Specified String - Satimage.osax
on fndUsing(fndStr, returnStr, dataSource, caseSensitive, regexFlag, wholeWord, 
allOccurrences, stringResult)
                set findResult to find text fndStr ¬
                        in dataSource ¬
                        case sensitive caseSensitive ¬
                        regexp regexFlag ¬
                        whole word wholeWord ¬
                        using returnStr ¬
                        all occurrences allOccurrences ¬
                        string result stringResult
                return findResult
        on error # errMsg number errNum
                return false
        end try
end fndUsing

tell application "BBEdit"
                set textData to text of front window
                set foundText to fndUsing("^DataName(1|3|10|15)\\b : (.+)", 
"\\2", textData, ¬
                        false, true, false, true, true) of me
                set foundText to join foundText using tab
                # WRITE foundText TO FILE
        on error errMsg number errNum
                tell me to display dialog "Error: " & errMsg & return & "Error 
Number: " & errNum
        end try
end tell

In any case a simple task.

Best Regards,

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