On Aug 18, 2011, at 03:23, Mark wrote:
> Does anybody know if there's a way to enter today's date via search and 
> replace? I have files with strings like this
> <imported>2009-02-12</imported> and I'm processing them with a text factory


Hey Mark,

I don't generally fool with Text Factories, so I can't help with the specifics.

Here's how I'd do it with Applescript.

There are 3 different methods for assembling your date, and then the regex.

Oh, I'm accounting for the possibility that you have dates formatted in to ways:


Best Regards,

set cDate to current date
set dateString to short date string of cDate # Dependent upon system date 
set dd to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & (day of cDate as integer))
set mm to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & (month of cDate as integer))
set yyyy to year of cDate as text
set dateString to yyyy & "/" & mm & "/" & dd
set dateString to do shell script "date \"+%Y-%m-%d\""

tell application "BBEdit"
    tell text of front text window
      set resultNumber1 to replace ¬
        "<imported>\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}</imported>" using ¬
        "<imported>" & dateString & "</imported>" options ¬
        {search mode:grep, starting at top:true, case sensitive:false}
    end tell
  on error errMsg number errNum
    set sep to "=============================="
    set e to sep & return & "Error: " & errMsg & return & sep & return ¬
      & "Error Number: " & errNum & return & sep
    display dialog e
  end try
end tell

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