I agree, that's it. Maybe it's not the right/polite way to file
problems, but, I was REALLY tempted to do it me too.
After paying money, (also in euro exactly == dollars, curious, where's
the change rate??) and after trying bbedit for about 30 minutes, saw
that a certain number of good features were gone (read the manual to
be sure, I couldn't believe.. But.. ), while other simple but
effective features that I asked in the years (really several mails, I
use bbedit since 1999..) still aren't implemented, and they say 'we
are working on them'...
So I restored version 9 and reported all the things, the polite way
(with a certain difficulty to stop my lowest instincts..). Very few
things still keeps me from switching to softwares like Espresso or
TextMate right now...
It's quite a sad thing, though. Hope they SOON clean up things and get
it back better.

On 20 Ago, 20:03, David Alexander <listm...@cox.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Aug 2011 15:10:31 +0100, "G. T. Stresen-Reuter"

> I don't see him asking for help.  I see him venting his frustration
> after spending too much time struggling with the changes introduced
> with v10.  Changes that don't actually seem to be improvements.  And
> despite that some might see it as rude or obnoxious, it's still good
> feedback for the developers.  It's quite obvious from the message
> traffic over the past couple months that BB really missed the mark
> with some of the enhancements in v10.

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