At 09:20 +0100 on 09/01/2011, John Delacour wrote about Re: BBEdit - Find & Replace using a list:

At 17:05 -0700 31/08/2011, JT wrote:

...I have 30 language files that I automate graphics production and the
text files are identical except each one calls a new file in the path.
For example,


and I need to change the 'KR' to AU, GB, DK and so on and save each
find and replace as a new text file. Can this be done with BBEdit? Is
this something else other than what BBEdit was designed for?

It sounds like something that could be done very easily with BBEdit but until you describe the problem in clear English and say just what it is you want to save, I doubt if anyone will be able to help.


The way I understand his needs, he wants to be able to create file-templates that contain a "file://**.sufix" line and clone it to produce 30 separate files replacing the ** with a list of prefixes.

Think of it as automating the process of manually creating a KR file and saving it as KR.file, doing a find/replace of file://KR. with file:AU. and saving as AU.file, and then replacing the AU with GB (saving as GB.file), and repeating until you run out of country prefixes.

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