At 04:00 -0500 02/09/2011, Christopher Stone wrote:

Save the script as an Applescript and put it in the BBEdit script menu.

Give it a handy keyboard shortcut.

Open your saved 'EN' text file template from the directory you wish to create the new files in.

Run the script.

Ditto for my script, which now does what it's supposed to

tell application "BBEdit"
  tell front document to set _template_mac to its file
  set _template to POSIX path of _template_mac
end tell
do shell script "perl -w <<'END_OF_PERL';
use strict;
my @country_codes = qw(DE GB CN
my $template = qq~" & _template & "~;
open my $fh, qq~<$template~ or die $!;
my @lines = <$fh>; # get the lines of the doc
close $fh;
foreach my $cc (@country_codes){
  $_ = $template;
  s~(_)(EN)(\\.)~$1$cc$3~; # name the new file
  open my $fh, qq~>$_~ or die $!; # create the new file
  foreach (@lines){ # loop through the lines
    my $modified_line = $_; # making the country code substitutions
    $modified_line =~ s~(_)(EN)(\\.)~$1$cc$3~;
    print $fh $modified_line; # write the changed line to the new file
  close $fh
--END of AppleScript

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