On Sep 5, 11:33 am, blinde <bruce.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> can you please articulate why one might prefer using inline styling
> for image height and width, rather than old school height and width
> attritbutes?

For most modern doctypes, standard width and height attributes should
only contain the actual dimensions of the image, as those attributes
are considered descriptive markup, and not presentational markup. (The
fact that most user agents *do* presentationally resize images based
on those attributes notwithstanding.)

If you want to change the presentation of the image (e.g. make the
image display at a size that is not its actual size, which is rarely a
good idea, but still, it's allowed), then that is presentational
information and should be in CSS, not descriptive attributes.

So, markup = descriptive, CSS = presentational:
 * Height and width attributes = "The image you are loading is this
size." = descriptive markup
 * CSS height and width = "Display the image you are loading at this
size." = presentational markup

It's a subtle difference, but it makes us pedants happy. :-)

(Personally, I tend to prefer using CSS, primarily because I'm usually
going to style an image inline anyway, so why add three attributes
when you can work with only add one?)


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