On 8 Apr 2012, at 10:06 PM, LuKreme wrote:
> On 08 Apr 2012, at 17:59 , Miers David wrote:
>> Seems like using accented characters is akin to using spaces in file names, 
>> something you just shouldn't do...I'd just rename the images
> That's 1990's thinking. This 2011 and apps that don't work well and play with 
> UTF-8 and spaces are simply broken.

That's very satisfying.

If my file names don't work on the server my client is committed to, can I tell 
him he should pay me anyway, because I'm right and he should be ashamed of his 
broken server?

> And for the record, I use spaces in filenames all the time and have for 30 
> years.

I go back only to 1984 with spaces, but they broke one part or another of the 
Xcode/GNU toolchain as recently as a couple of years ago. I could have 
denounced Xcode (Project Builder, CodeWarrior, THINK C, MPW) as simply broken, 
but given the choice between going on strike 1984-2009, and producing something 
I could get paid for, I took the spaces out.

        — F

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