On 19/8/13 at 20:50, lawrence...@gmail.com (Lawrence San) wrote:

I often use Quick Find in BBEdit 9.6.3. I'd like to be able to use a
keystroke to transfer whatever text I've selected in my document (usually a
single word) into the Quick Find dialog, but I can't find one...

If you run this script (which can be assigned a key-stroke), it will put the selected text on the clipboard and highlight any text in the live search box. You then need only type ⌘V to enter the text.

tell application "BBEdit"
  tell front text window
    set the clipboard to (get selection as string)
    if live search bar visible is true then
      set live search bar visible to false
    end if
    set live search bar visible to true
  end tell
end tell


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