A simple but slightly weird question I thought someone might know the
answer to already...

I'm considering trying to make a simple CLM for Pollen (
http://mbutterick.github.io/pollen/doc/), a web typesetting system. Pollen
has a kind of weird attribute in that you effectively append a second
extension onto a file to indicate "this is Pollen source that should render
to this file type." So, "style.css.pm" renders to "style.css", "page.html.pm"
renders to "page.html", and so on.

By default BBEdit will zero in on the ".pm" and decide this is a Perl file,
which I've overridden by assigning ".pm" to "no file type selected." But
rather than try to reassign ".pm" to Pollen, I want to reassign a few
common combinations -- ".html.pm" and ".css.pm" being the obvious ones.
Will BBEdit do what I expect if put those in <BBLMLanguageSuffix> keys?

- Watts

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