On Oct 19, 2017, at 12:36 PM, Jan Erik Moström <li...@mostrom.pp.se> wrote:
> But as I said above, the choice of writing tools is very personal and also 
> depends on factors like what is being written, external requirements, etc.

Absolutely, and I've never tried to get someone to use markdown or even 
suggested it because, frankly I don't use it that much myself. It just seemed 
to me an odd thing to hate.

I mean, I struggled with nroff in the 80s can found it unnecessarily difficult, 
but I din't hate it, it was just a tool that wasn't particularly suited for 
what I wanted to do, so I found a better tool.

OTOH, I did hate emacs because I was forced to used it and it never made even 
the slightest bit of sense to me and the instant I no longer had to use it I 
ran right back to vi/vim where I've been very happy for decades (on machines 
that can't run BBEdit).

Apple broke AppleScripting signatures in Mail.app, so no random signatures.

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