On 03/30/2019, at 02:35, Bill Kochman <wordweaver...@gmail.com 
<mailto:wordweaver...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Chris, you wrote:
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> nl -nrz -w2 -s'. '
> That works on all lines. What about if you have blank lines in the document? 
> While it works fine on files that have continuous lines of text, the above 
> indents two spaces and places a period on blank lines.

Hey Bill,

The -w2 switch (i.e. -w switch with 2 as its value), designates the width of 
the padded line number.

I think the addition of the period in blank lines is a bug in macOS' version of 
`nl`, because GNU `nl` doesn't have that problem.  (The indention will vary 
according to -w.)

#!/usr/bin/env bash
nl -nrz -ba -w3 -s'. '

This will number ALL lines including blank ones.

man nl in the Terminal will get you to the man page for `nl`, so you can see 
what the various switches do.

To work around your complaint you can install GNU `nl` with MacPorts or 

Or you can use a little `sed` to remove the floating period:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
nl -nrz -w2 -s'. ' | sed -E 's!^[[:blank:]]+\.!!'

Take Care,

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