On 04/01/2019, at 09:26, Rod Buchanan <r...@kdsi.com <mailto:r...@kdsi.com>> 
> One problem with -w2 is if the file is >= 100 lines it breaks:

Hey Rod,

If I remember correctly Bill's original question specified fewer than 100 
lines, so that's what I was working with at the time.

Mark is on the money about using `wc` to calculate the pad.

Here's one example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

numPad=$(echo "$stdIN" | wc -l | sed -E 's![[:blank:]]!!g' | wc -m)
echo "$stdIN" | nl -nrz -w $(($numPad - 1)) -s'. '

For some inexplicable reason `wc` on Sierra prepends spaces to its output – 
hence the `sed` command in the numPad code.

The current GNU `wc` doesn't have this problem.

Best Regards,

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