On 15 Sep 2021, at 18:24, Christopher Werby wrote:

> The Sample Website for Code Modules demonstrates a simple "proto" blog with a 
> single Blog module serving the content in a variety of ways. There's a list 
> of recent blog posts (right sidebar), an index list of posts,  and a single 
> page with a single post.  These all come from the Blog module serving the 
> content in a variety of ways.

I missed that part, I need to take a closer look at this.

>  David's right - the main consideration is whether the features you wish need 
> to be served by a database or whether a static site created at build time 
> would work.

There is no need for a database, support for tags/categories can be handled by 
most static generators

> Features like user comments and "likes" need a database backend. But other 
> features could probably be created using Code Modules. Not very much comes 
> out of the box -- you'd need to write them.

I don't care about comments/likes etc.

>  Categories would probably involve adding Items to List files for each 
> category when adding a new Blog post.  I did something similar using Code 
> Modules to create this page — ICC Forum Guidelines.  The exemplars at the 
> bottom of the page have a categorization feature that allows each exemplar to 
> be placed in the exemplar sets (they look like domino pieces) scattered 
> higher up on the page.  Each exemplar demonstrates multiple features for the 
> guidelines, so the same exemplar is featured in multiple exemplar sets.  
> That's analogous to a tags/categories feature on a blog site.

Thanks, I check this out.

= jem

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