On 15 Sep 2021, at 9:38, David Donachie wrote:

>> On 15 Sep 2021, at 06:29, Jan Erik Moström <li...@mostrom.pp.se> wrote:
>> On 7 Sep 2021, at 23:56, Christopher Werby wrote:
>>> Announcing the release of Code Modules
>> I'm quite impressed with what you have done here. Just to make sure I've 
>> understood things correctly: this is a tool for creating web sites but not 
>> for web sites with a blog?
>> = jem
>  That probably depends how committed you are to a static/DB-less site. Long 
> ago, before DBs were available, I had a blog that stored entries as text 
> files, but I wouldn’t advise it now, the security risks are scary! :)

I'm mostly thinking of the extra work creating a blog, generating index pages 
etc. I mean that there are a several static site generators (usually with some 
kind of blogging support) like Pelican, Hugo, Nicola, Jekyll, etc, that handles 
that automatically. Manually maintaining a site with a fairly large number of 
blog entries quickly become cumbersome (if you want support for categories, 
tags, etc), while it's easier to maintain a site with a smaller number of pages 
(think documentation or a smaller info site).

Since BBEdit doesn't have support for generating various kind of indexes (that 
I know of), I was wondering if Code Modules have support for this. I might have 
missed it but I didn't see any indication of this.

= jem

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